Bücher Kostenlos , by Luther Standing Bear
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, by Luther Standing Bear

Bücher Kostenlos , by Luther Standing Bear
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1285 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 276 Seiten
Verlag: Bison Books; Auflage: New (1. Januar 2013)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#536.075 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
This is the finest book I have read on the lifestyle of the Lakota (Sioux),people not only before European contact, but also how they dealt with their transformation into "civilized" members of the dominate society. It was originally written in 1933. Luther Standing Bear took his name after entering Carlisle Indian School. How sad that the newcomers to North America didn't take the time to learn the culture of the original inhabitants of this land. We would all be better off today if they had. This book gives much insight into why. Even at this late date, there is a lot that can be learned from "Native Wisdom." I highly suggest that anyone interested, read this book. It will touch your heart!
An excellent, and very interesting, cultural and social history of the Lakota Nation. The people of this country know so little of the history of our indigenous peoples and the way White America treated them and the impact that this treatment had on these people. This book helps to bridge that knowledge gap and should be required reading for all high school American History classes.
This book is so densely informative about the detials of daily life, and soo very good that I can only read it in small bits before bed. It strikes me how much lakota life was excactly what the christian country cowboy wants out of life today. It respects decency, honors warriors who protect the people, champions knowledge of the natural environment, family respect, a life lived honorably, passing on of tradition, etcetera. It's all the same. It just looked different. I think indigenous people all over the world had been existing as close to the experience that gives the human being all it needed. Sure we moderns don't have violence in certain places, but we have it in others. We just push our uncomfortable parts of life around, dress them up, and think we're more civilized. The suppression of the natural persona ends up creating horrible things like mental illness, murder, and rape, drug abuse, ad infinitum. The Lakota lived honestly, and they really worked out a society over millennia that we could never match.
I'm still in the process of reading this book and enjoying it very much. I have always had an interest in Native Americans and their history. Now I'm learning from this book just how mistaken some ideas are about how these people lived. Makes me sad that we as a people did such an injustice to the Native American Nation.
Buy this book..rent this book...borrow this book.....but by all means...READ THIS BOOK!! Do not let skintone or religious belief shy you away from reading this great learning of Native peoples' lives..I had to read this last semester at Tribal College. And I was amazed at what I learned.What is inside this book contains knowledge that will help future generations if only they read it.
I study with two Native Elders and Mr. Standing Bear and his interpretation of these wisdom tales is greatly respected by First Nation people. Beautifully written and the stories themselves are still full of the riches of a plundered civilization.
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